The Icelandic Museum of Natural History
Reykjavík, Iceland

The exhibition provides a comprehensive and innovative insight into one of the most important resources of Iceland, the water, that fosters diverse life and will be the key to a flourishing future in the country.
An excellent graphic design, which shows the relationship between humans and nature, with reference to all age groups. Iceland Graphic Design Association jury

There are three types of rivers in Iceland: Spring rivers, Runoff rivers, and Glacial rivers. “The Meters“ is a real-time monitoring exhibit that shows the current state of each river. The rivers change shape and color depending on their size at any given time. The real-time data is retrieved from The Icelandic Meteorological Office. Photo: Vigfús Birgisson

In the Ecosystem Viewer visitors can learn of the rich life to be found in different types of wetland areas in Iceland. By exploring swamps, lakes and rivers with the help of a circular device they can find different lifeforms and even zoom in to the smallest of things by turning the rings. Photo: Vigfus Birgisson
These interactive installations on the subject of “water” impress with their poetic approach. Red Dot Jury 2019

By exploring swamps, lakes, and rivers with the help of a circular device they can find different lifeforms and even zoom in to the smallest of things by turning the rings. Photo: Vigfus Birgisson
Despite a tight deadline and very limited time we succeeded in delivering an exhibition of highest quality and professionalism, thanks to an excellent teamwork. Dr. Hilmar J. Malmquist, Director of Icelandic Museum of Natural History

Iceland has over 2000 waterfalls with about 1200 different names. In this audio/visual installation a large waterfall is created out of all those names.

I give Gagarin all my best recommendations. Dr. Hilmar J. Malmquist, Director of Icelandic Museum of Natural History